Air Hammers
Air Hammer Chisel
Air hammers are pneumatic hand tools for heavy duty work such as cutting metal objects, stripping rust or cutting concrete. Air chisels are ideal for construction & industrial applications. A power hammer is a replacement for the traditional hammer and chisel.
Pneumatic Hammer
Power hammers are used to carve in stone or cut metal objects. They are both designed to take away the effort of using manual hand tools by doing the work for you. A power hamer uses compressed air to carve or chip away materials. Air hammers are generally used to shape or smooth a surface area, to dig holes or cut through a surface. Power hammers are most often used by manufacturers, metalworkers and blacksmiths.
The piston in a pneumatic hammer is the only part that moves. Compressed air is pumped in the cylinder that mimicks the movement of a hammer.
Drill Bit
The speed and force of the piston are regulated by the drill bit which is a metal bar at the bottom of the cylinder. Each time the piston hits the drill bit, this is pushed into the surface to drill.
Personal Protective Equipment
Working with a pneumatic hammer comes with risks. Therefore, it is very important that you think about the safety of yourself and that of your environment. A breaker makes a considerable noise. Hearing protection must be right for you and your situation. For safety, productivity and comfort, it must reduce noise by the right amount, not too little not too much. We can provide solutions for different individuals and applications with a wide range of earplugs and earmuffs. We also strongly recommend to use eye protection. Safety eyewear is a form of PPE designed to protect or enclose the area surrounding the eye so that rust, metal objects or concrete particles are prevented from harming the eye.