Anza Paperhanging Scissors

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Anza Paperhanging Scissors

Anza Wallpaper Scissors has a stainless blade that stays sharp for years. Professional wallpaper scissors offer precision, comfort and efficiency when cutting and trimming wallpaper, making them an essential tool for anyone who wallpapers professionally or at home.

Cutting wallpaper

To cut wallpaper accurately and efficiently, you need wallpaper scissors. These specially designed scissors offer several advantages over ordinary scissors and are used for cutting wallpaper rolls to size, trimming excess wallpaper along edges and corners, and making precise cuts for a seamless finish.

Cutting wallpaper

What is the difference between normal scissors and wallpaper scissors? The difference between normal scissors and specialty wallpaper scissors lies mainly in their design and functionality. While normal scissors are commonly used for cutting various materials, wallpaper scissors are specifically designed for cutting wallpaper, with features that facilitate and enhance the wallpapering process.

  1. The sharp and fine tip allows for precise cuts even in small corners such as electrical outlets and switches.
  2. The larger handles are a lot more comfortable and offer more grip while cutting.
  3. The longer blades make it easier to cut long straight lines.

Features Anza Wallpaper Scissors

  • Stays sharp for years
  • Comfortable grip
  • Long blades
  • Large handles
  • Easily cuts wallpaper
  • For both left- and right-handed use
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Pros and cons

  • Stays sharp for years
  • Comfortable grip
  • Long blades
  • Only suitable for cutting wallpaper


SKU 633032
Brand Anza
EAN 7311490010787

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